Hi! Welcome!
Everyone has already said lots. Keep reading/researching, your mommy gut does know and if you suspect something, keep going with it.

You may also find http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/ very useful to get your self started, if you haven't already.

When my child was younger, I did spend time making sure that meals/snacks were on time and sleep amount was sufficient. Also, for our child, yours may be different, we needed to make sure situations were not over stimulating. A combination of a hunger, tiredness from a fun party, or too much excitement inevitably led to a meltdown. There were days where we kept a really good rhythm and the day went smoothly.

Again, your child may be different, but we also made sure to prepare for transitions. We would say what the plan was, eg. we're going to a birthday party, and it might be like this or that. When the party is almost over, we would give 10 and 5 minute warnings to help child transition to next activity/event.

For our child, insufficient time for transitions was not good.

smile Hope that helps. Keep looking.