Originally Posted by traceyqns
I think it is harder to get them to work as they get older. When my DS was 3 he would do anything for ONE m&m LOL Now he has other interests he wants to play vidoe games play on the computer etc. I have to bribe him w/computer time now to get him to do some work so he doesn't go brain dead!

OH Lord ... don't tell me this. LOL My DD has never been the type to do anything unless she wants to and incentives never worked on her BUT I was hoping as she got older it would. Back to the drawing board for me.

IE. Potty training - we bought her this beautiful Calico Doll House that she was begging for but she could have cared less once it was in the house. It sat there for nearly a year before she finally decided to potty train. grrrr

IE. Reading - DD knew all her letters and sounds before she was 18 months and even showed an interest in reading right before turning 2 because she recognized a lot of words but the minute I sat down with her to 'teach' her anything it was met with resistance and refusal. Nothing I would offer her would change that. But one day she sat down with the Bob books and decided she was going to read and did. But even today, if she isn't in the mood she isn't going to give in to it. And I have to wonder how this is going to effect her schooling. Right now she is happy to do whatever they are doing in class and maybe it's because I'm not doing it.