Both of my children had/have SI/oral issues and were really late eaters. DS did not start solids until after his 1st birthday and took him until age 3 or so before he was on a normal diet. In his case- it wasn't just a case of picky eating issues- he would choke/gag on any thing that had more texture than a thick liquid. Even now at the age of 8 he still has oral issues and speech issues which he receives therapy for.

DD is just now 2 (and no clue whether she will also be "gifted" like DS) but she had the same issues only more so! She did not start on solids until 18 months and was even failure to thrive starting around 12 months. She had swallow studies done, therapy and they were even considering feeding tube for awhile! She is also still not talking -only 3-4 words, but DS was also the same with language development so I am not too concerned at this point.

Of course my children's "issues" are not the norm- but the let them eat when they eat would definitely not have worked in our case ;-). DS is a good eater now- some picky eating behaviors- but normal age appropriate ones.