We have food issues. I don't ever/have never fought poor eating. The issue is partly sensory, partly self-consciousness, and partly altruistic. At 9mths, he suddenly spat out his minced meal and that was the end to smooth-textured meals. Till today, he won't touch mash potatoes. Then at 4yo, he turned vegetarian after we walked through a fish market. He gradually resumed eating meat several months later, but not before falling ill a lot because of his self-inflicted restricted diet.

The last one year, he has visions of growing up to be tall and thin. Well, he's currently short and thin. I've tried to tell him about the matter he requires to grow tall, but that always ruins his appetite. I HEARTILY encourage snacking at my house because of the small quantity consumed during meals, but even that is not happening. I just can't understand where he gets his energy from. I actually cook different types of meals, bake a lot, and we're all getting fat, except him. Eating, like sleeping, unfortunately, is a waste of time to him frown. So long as he doesn't develop major health problems that require immediate attention in terms of diet, I'll just keep trying and trying.