Oh, no we have tons of food issues around here. Let me preface this with saying I am the oldest of 13 children, the last being twins I practically raised until they were 1.5 yo as my DSS had severe postpartum depression and then chemo treatments when they were a bit older.
I know how to feed kids. MY kid, completely different. He was started out on only organic veggies and moved onto fruit etc. He was such a good little eater. Then one day around 15 mos. he threw his carrots. It was very odd. He never ate carrots again. Then it was all other veggies. Then it was all meat, rice, noodles etc. I was out of food. The only thing he would eat was bread and bananas! I got the advice to just not give him anything except the offending foods and he would eventually get hungry enough to eat them. I am not sure how long people expect a 2 year old to go without food but, after 2 days or so I had to give in! I started feeding him things I would never have just to find something he would eat. We ended up with certain types of chicken nuggets, cheese pizza (again only certain types), cheese/cheese sandwich, pb/pb sandwich, tortillas with cheese (only the wrapped type cheese) melted on it and a few fruits: bananas, apples, and oranges. He will NOT eat any vegetables. My DH won't eat any fruit he doesn't like the texture so maybe this is part of it. I don't know that I have ever met another kid that wouldn't eat mac and cheese or hot dogs, lol! He is nearly 5 and still eats like this. We have had many battles of us trying to get to eat a noodle or a bean.
I am thinking the food groups idea is a good one. We might have to try that.