Wow are we talking about the same kid here? Holy cannoli! Seriously this sounds EXACTLY like my daughter at that age. She's almost 5 now and she is understanding more about boundaries though she still gets too excited and wild-like. When she's around older kids and adults she's not like that at all unless they start getting that way with her. It's as if she has no idea what to do with kids her own age...honestly I think she's trying to do what she "thinks" she's supposed to do with them, and when they finally decide to stop being "wild" she can't quite get out of that mode.

The more mature the child is, the more mature she is. We met a 2 yr. old actually a little while back who was exceptionally mature for such a young age...obviously very bright like his mother and she got along beautifully with him...course he did pretty much whatever he told him to do so yes that was in her favor LOL.

My DD has playmates though I wouldn't call them regular...I'd like them to be more regular. I belong to a Mom's group and we meet up quite often actually. She is also very extroverted and theatrical...same as your DD...I'm amazed at how parallel their little lives are.