
Welcome, your daughter has some things in common with my DD who just turned four this month. I had her tested at 3.4 and she was in the gifted range, but since she was so young, we may do it again down the line.

We actually wondered about Asbergers or sensory issues, but those things came back negative and it seems her sassy attitude, intensity, hyper energy etc. has other causes. She likes to take over in her classroom and will approach a group of ten adults and march over and speak to them as though she is one of them.

Things that I am doing that may or may not be helping include giving her fish oil for emotional balance, and trying to use some techniques from the Nurtured Heart Approach as well as the Kazden Method. Both approaches are geared towards positive reinforcement.

If you don't mind me asking, did she have any Asbergers traits? My DD has a freakishly good memory for facts, doen't like change in her routine, has huge tantrums, and doesn't seem to get some social cues, but the other children love her and she has a very vivid imagination.

What will you do if you find out she is gifted?

Best of luck!