Originally Posted by Azuil
I completely agree with you, though she can read well...the plot and overall ideas of a Harry Potter book are really too complex for such a young child.

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm picking on you, but part of the welcome to the world of gifted is to start being very careful with one's words. Anything that sounds vaguely like 'children can't do x at y age' is likely to be something someone else told us, and we naively believed. Giftedness comes in all flavors, for example, my son loved me to read Harry Potter to him at age 5. He could barely read the simplest Dr. Seuss book at the time, but his mind was totally ready to enjoy HP. This is another version of Asynchronous Development. He also loved "A wrinkle in time' at 5 and 'Phantom Tollbooth' at age 3 so it really isn't about age - just that each child is gifted in their own unique way. And the way he would talk about these books made it absolutely clear that he 'got' what he heard. Be very glad that your child is childlike in this way (if she actually is) - it is a blessing.

At the time I firmly believed that being able to listen to books such as these was 'totally normal' and I couldn't fathom why other parents were 'wasting' their pre-bed reading time on 'Hop on Pop.' I've learned sooooooooo much since then.

Love and More Love,

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