Yeah, for now we are going to homeschool. Not sure if we will for good but I don't really feel like we have many options here. We live I'm a pretty small rural area and there is not a gifted program and unfortunatly most of the kids here do enter k without knowing the alphabet much less how to read.

The Dora assessment stands for diagnostic online reading assessment. It is for k- 12. I will ask my mom for the website cause I know they have something parents can pay to acsess it for one child. I'll pm you it.

I hear you about how dd seems to just learn things so easily and does not need all the teaching tools. The other day she started counting by 5s which I knew I had never told her how. When asked she responded "I heard you doing it when you were rolling coins." she just picks things up. Which I worrry about school to.

She is still really into space, human body,really anything science. She's been working through a 1 st grade science workbook and it is supper easy. She us also really really into writing notes snd stories. Although for some of her longer stories I have her dictate them to ne cause she can go more smoothly. The stories are hysterical.

It's really funny because my new neighbor who is moving in is a k teacher and she said after spending time with dd that she would right now at 3.2 be the top student in her class. And she asked me "what are you going to do about k?" I told het homeschool and she said "oh thank god. That's the best thing you could do for her. There is no way I could differentate enough in a class for her on the level she is now much less where she will be in 2 years" I thought this was pretty interesting comment comminb from someone who knows the k curriculum here. Anyway, I am lucky cause we have this option. Anyway, getting my hair done as I type this snd got to go lol... But I will get that info and pm u.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.