Hey girl....It is good to "see" you again. I agree with Gritney about asking to have her moved into the older class for a trial. It is so hard to know what will work, but try can't hurt and might do a world of good. I know our DD's are very similar, and I don't think they will peter out so to speak. I am not sure with your DD, but Ansley firmly fits in level 4, and I know from your posts that our DD's are very similar. Have you had an opportunity to assess where your DD is grade level wise. I am lucky with my mom working at a school, but DD was given the DORA...which is a reading assesment exam, as well as a math exam that I know many schools use... although I believe it is avialable for homeschool use as well. Anyway, it was very eye opening for me as I found that DD at 3.2 is reading on 1st grade 9 month level...with subtests in the high 2nd grade level...and math at a low first grade level. Anyway, I knew that she was going to need more, but the thought now of her in Kinadergarten a little over 2 years from now is just frightening. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.