someone came out to observe my daughter at preschool and reviewed some forms her teacher and I filled out and said she saw no signs of anything beyond being a potentially gifted, highly dramatic, somewhat manipulative, but very cute kid. Some of us really were scratching our heads wondering about some of her behavior. I wouldn't even know where to start. She is so intense, and melodramatic, and silly, and sometimes hyper, but this teacher said she was able to focus well, tried to lead the class, but wasn't overly boarish, and is a bit impertinent, but she so no sign whatsoever of anything else. She also said that the class she is with is such a group of kind, polite kids that she thought it was good for her to mingle with them because we mostly need to polish her social skills even if that means she doesn't do anything with her brain at school for awhile. They suggested doing something outside of preschool for her for mental stimulation, but that keeping her with children quite a bit below her intellectually should do her "no harm." For the moment, I think that may be fine if she seemed happy enough there. We could go somewhere with some more advanced kids,but would they be as good of an example in terms of behaving well? These kids at her school are so mannerly and I do value that for the moment. It would be awesome to have everything, but do I really need to worry about her intellect when she just turned four?