hey everyone! I was thinking it is the early reading that tends to over impress people, even people with gifted kids, and that is why Grinty assumed she was so high in her LOG. It is probably my fault for saying she was reading at two when really,she was starting at two but was really reading as the year progressed. She was reading easy readers mid to late 2, and only doing sight reading at early to mid two if I remember it all correctly. I have videos of her putting letters on the fridge and changing words from things like mad-dad-bad when she was two something, but that is as specific as I can be at the moment. I know she was trying to sound things out really really early but I can't remember exactly when. She did know letter sounds well before two but that doesn't impress me because my two year old did the same thing so I guess I think that is typical.

There are other things in RUFs LOG that she didn't do at a freakishly early time so she is all over the place so it will be interesting to see what happens long term! It is weird how one can sometimes be comforted when they have traits in the lower LOG. I also know how some of you feel though when you are comforted by hearing about another child who did something way beyond your own. It makes things seem more normal in your home. I actually feel relief hearing about children more advanced. I am not even comfortable assuming she will be gifted let along REALLY gifted yet!