Limonata - Honestly, if I had seen scores like your DD's, I would have been unconscious on the floor! But scores are only a part of the equation. The other parts are the surrounding area (are you near a major university? If so, instruction is likely to be higher), the school district (a 125IQ kid can be just as bored in classroom that is taught to the bottom, as a 140kid can be in a classroom taught to the middle), and the biggy - your DC's personality. There are kids w/ IQs much higher than my son's who do just fine in PS with some accommodation. We had the double whammy of a district with no accommodations and a kid who can. not. stand. boredom. He abhors repetition, although now with HSing he sees that the right repetition is a good for him. And he is a kid which needs downtime and HSing gives him time for that since he has no homework at night.
