No. That story is three years old. At the time the state legislature was considering lowering the gifted program requirement from 130 IQ to 120 for everybody. That change was NOT made.

As for Plan B, it is still in place.

"What is Plan B?

Because of the Florida Department of Education's concern that students from certain groups were significantly under-represented in the gifted population, in the early 1990's a rule was passed to allow districts to adopt an alternative method (informally known as "Plan B") for identifying some groups of students. Currently, students allowed to qualify for gifted education under "Plan B" are those from families with low socio-economic status (the student is on free or reduced lunch) or students who are classified as ELL (English Language Learners). The Leon County criteria for gifted placement under "Plan B" includes measures of academic achievement and creativity as well as the gifted behavior checklist and teacher statement of need."