The ESL classrooms don't cause segregation. What I was trying to say was that the students segregate themselves anyway.

If you call ESL classrooms a form of institutionalized segregation then you could argue that any kind of special program is a form of segregation. Even all these gifted programs are a form of segregation if you think in those terms. But because people think of 'gifted' as a positive then it suddenly becomes desirable.

I've been in a situation where I didn't know English and I think that I'm in a position to know what's best for people in the same situation. I think that many people theorize from a position of idealism where they think that everyone should be mixed up together and somehow this is beneficial to all. Meanwhile you have major hypocrisy because while this is the policy most of the native English speaking caucasians want their kids separated out into the gifted programs. Ha, isn't this segregation! While they say that is is possible for anyone of any socioeconomic background or heritage to be gifted you know almost all the gifted kids are from one demographic. So they get their idealistic notions and policies to calm their consciences while they still condone segregation. Parfait.

Last edited by connieculkins; 05/04/10 09:12 AM.