Hi bw huggs uve gotten great advice. Im thinking that when u compare your sets of kids its important to take into account not just the fathers beehavior but also the fathers genetics which in turn contribute to his parenting behavior....yes? I have heard from so any of my son's teachers......I know plenty of gifted kids they are adream to teach so brught and delightful...that why I say optimally gifted instead of moderately gifted these days. But your child is nothing like that. What is wrong with him?

Now I don't want to implly that pgness causes bad behavior. It only makes it statistically more likely that the child majorly overstressed and dramitically amplifies any acting out that a child might do. Throw in a tough home situation and or 2es and volia!

A few month of Nurtured heart approach is a great start...it was closer to a year for my skills in taking out the batteries and energizing to really bm. Just lately Im seeing my dreams coming true.

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