I struggle with my DS7, too. The best thing I have found has been that instead of taking away computer time, he has to earn it with good behavior. I remind him before an event what I expect of him (speaking politely to adults, no screaming, etc) and that if he does what is required, he will get to play his game for 1/2 hour (or whatever). When he "forgets" and makes a rude remark...I give him one reminder, "Remember what you are working for." That seems to work better than taking away his preferred activity or giving him a time out. Of course, I do have to use time out of the above method fails, but I try to save it as a last resort and then give him a chance to earn his favorite activities back by behaving approprately. So, he doesn't automatically get to play games or watch tv...those have to be earned every day. Does that make sense??? nan