Chiming in with a similar suggestion to stop blaming yourself for your son's problems/diagnoses.

I know that's tough. My reading has uncovered certain facts that make me VERY sorry that I let an ENT doctor talk me into placing tubes in my son's ears at age two. I thought I was doing the best thing for him because of his recurring ear infections, but his body rejected the tubes and although I thought things had turned out okay, I'm now finding that trauma to the ears at an early age could be what caused his central auditory processing disorder and difficulty filtering noises/sounds/distractions.

So you and I (and every other parent on this list who probably has some version of a similar story to one or both of us) can sit here and blame ourselves for things that were not our faults (obviously we didn't have any way of knowing these things could happen and we STILL don't know if anything we did or didn't do would've changed the outcomes for our children), or we can do everything possible to help advocate for our kids and get them all the help and encouragement they need to become indepedent, contributing members of society.

I think we should do what we want THEM to do:
Focus on the positive and minimize the negative, move forward, and do the best we can with what we have.

Age-Gap parenting a 2e 12-year-old and an 8-month-old