hi, glad you've joined us.
your description of your son is shockingly similar to my DS7, with the one exception that my son craves novelty (as opposed to rigidity).. I have been searching for a long time for an accurate dx for him but am thinking now that one may just not be out there right now. Mine also has the eye contact issue but only for the first few moments, can't do math facts or any time concepts, is really slow with certain things, is a reading/science/history whiz kid..very intensely emotional.. Has stims that other people have like humming but he does them more than others. He has intense social interest yet rough social skills. I have come to think that he is "touching the autism spectrum" but not ON it. I have been reading a lot about Aspergers but it is such a specific diagnosis that it doesn't quite fit either. Sorry to not have answers but you're not alone!