Well, DS5 likes me to give him algebra problems in the car for fun. Thankfully I find that he doesn't ask for this if I have classical music on (he loves classical) and he hums and sings away and that keeps his brain busy. When younger while driving he would count everything (mailboxes, street markers, etc.) I do probably do some extra social teaching, but ironically I am a school social worker so I do this all day at work. I probably don't even notice it when I do it. He seems to know when not to talk about certain stuff at all and if not, he at least gets when I am unable to talk about it. He usually doesn't go on and on about things, but occasionally does about contraptions and different things if he is really into it. He does misinterpret social situations at times. And he seems to think everything should be fair and that somehow fair is the same as equal, which is not always true. He has great eye contact at times, and other times he needs reminders because he if off focused on other things, or thoughts in his head. He is often thinking, he is like an absent minded professor. He doesn't always respond when he is humming songs. My DS5 is also extreme and will say things that clearly aren't true like "all you ever want to do is say no when I ask you things" (this said to me this morning when I didn't want him to bring his erector set to grandmas to play with after school, but asked him to bring a smaller toy that I could carry easier). When I clarify and say things like "do you really believe that I say no all the time, or do you mean that you are upset because I said no this time?" then he gets it. It's the asynchrony. He is trying to figure things out and can be emotional at times. Not all the time thankfully, but he will get emotional and somewhat unreasonable at times when he thinks things should be a certain way.