Originally Posted by surfbaby
But his teacher this year gave me a detailed eval of how he does everything so well, behavior wise, social, everything.

Is this a teacher you would generally trust, aside from her recommendation that he skip K? If it is, then I would be inclined to believe that this teacher, having been exposed to a large number of children over her time teaching, might have a better perspective on what's normal for a 4 or 5 year old than you do. It can be hard for us parents to have a realistic expectation for behavior when 1) our children are not average and 2) we ourselves are most likely not average. I like Grinity's term "outer-directed perfectionism." (I hope I'm quoting this correctly!)

From what you describe, your DS does seem to have some awareness of getting along socially, even if he hasn't yet mastered the nuances of it. I think it sounds normal for him to ocassionally misunderstand social interactions since he's only been on this planet for a few short years and social interactions are quite complicated. When you read books together, is he able to discuss with you what different characters might be feeling? When you talk to him as you carry on with your daily activities, does he express how he feels or how other people might feel? If so, then I think he shows some behaviors uncharacteristic of HFA. But I'm not an expert. If you continue to have nagging feelings, watch him, since it is important to listen to your mommy-gut. But, in the mean-time, try to watch other kids his age and how they interact to see if your DS is really acting much differently.

Last edited by mnmom23; 03/07/10 08:24 AM.

She thought she could, so she did.