Okay also. As long as I'm going on and on.

He did early intervention from ages 18 months to 24 months. He was delayed with speech and walking until age 16-17 months about. So they started with developmental play therapy. At 18 months he exploded with everything, talking, numbers, letters, letter sounds, shapes, colors and everything. SHe stayed on for those six months, concerned about his perseveration on numbers and letters. We eliminated them from his life and focused on everything else. Didn't "let" him read and learn math until 3rd bday. He used to have little intonation in speech, more of a flat expression and not overly social. Now he is just about normal I'd say with all that.

My other son is 18 months now and is CLEARLY different. SO social, engaged etc. So funny, always bringing us things, pointing.
Older son did not do these things but also I dont' think I encouraged it nearly as much as I should have (first time mom, clueless).

Hope this helps color the picture...