Thank you NanRos and mnmom23. To answer your question, he has some opportunity to interact with kids older than he (and I am aware that this can be a distinguishing behavoir) - really mostly his cousins and a couple neighbor boys. The neighbor friends are 5-6 years old and I would say he acts much better with older than younger boys. With the younger, he can regress and get very emotionally escalated if the younger boy doesn't share or hits him or something. The older boys are generally calmer and more dominant and he goes along with what they want to do. BUT I wouldn't say that his emotional or social or intellectual maturity "elevates" when around older he's in his element with them. No, he is still slightly immature and kind of tends to be focused on what he wants to do, sometimes tattles. And since his only strong interest is math, it's not something he can really bond with others about and I doubt he would. It's mostly for solitary enjoyment I think. Does that answer the question enough to help?