Hi everyone. I am new here, but have been reading posts for a while. My DS6 took the SB5 two days ago, and we just got a report from the psychologist. To my dismay, he only listed FSIQ, verbal composite and nonverbal composite. I have recently left a vm asking for the raw scores...not sure why he wouldn't have sent those to begin with. Anyway, the letter he sent says "On the SB5, DS obtained a FSIQ = 136, with a Verbal IQ =136, and a Non-Verbal IQ = 134. These scores are all at the 99th percentile compared to 6 yr olds and indicate much higher scores will be obtained as DS gets older."

When I spoke to him at the end of the test, he mentioned that DS hit various ceilings, so I am guessing that is what he means by saying that much higher scores are indicated. I guess one of my questions is, why wouldn't he be able to get an accurate IQ at age 6 on the SB5? I understand the ceiling effect, to an extent. Is that what the problem could be? I thought that IQ was pretty stable over time?

Any help would be appreciated, and as soon as I have any raw score data, I will post that as well as I am sure it will be more helpful. Thanks!