I really try hard to never use the "because I'm the adult and I said so" with my Ds (20 & 14 now). If there is not time to give a full explanation when they want to debate, I let them know we will discuss later. And then we do. I grew up in a "father knows best" and "children should be seen and not heard" family, and I do not want my kids to have the same frustration that caused me. I don't always modify things the way they want me to, but my kids always know that their concerns have been heard. Even when they were wee I did this. They may not completely accept my reasoning... but if I can't justify and explain it, then maybe my case isn't so strong anyway. I just feel like if I can't treat their ideas and wishes respectfully, I can't expect them to be respectful toward me... This has worked out well in the long run for us, in spite of some specific days with a lot of debate.

Last edited by intparent; 02/13/10 09:46 PM.