My DS4 said that he wanted to be the "boss." So, I told him what the bosses jobs were. They include cooking, shopping, cleaning, planning, doing the dishes, the laundry, all outside chores (and named each - which were abundant) and feed, clothe and take care of all of Daddy's and my needs, plus the work I do for his Daddy's company, which leave almost no time for play. Then I asked him if he still wanted to be the boss. He (gladly on my part, I guess;) quickly said no. My DS is EXTREMELY strong-willed; and WE can deal with him fine; but only a handful of others can as well.

This post is very timely for us as well; and I don't want to steal your thread; but I am in need of a good, tearful vent. He is getting so frustrated lately about other things; and is making him more non-compliant in the areas where he feels he may get some ground if he pushes it. We believe that his other frustrations, namely his being a late talker, and being made fun of by other kids his age for talking like a "baby" are causing him to act out with us. He is a very sweet, loving, fun child otherwise. Although his speech is improving greatly, I have recently heard the interactions with other nasty kids. And he lets it get to him. He is very sensitive. He talks back to them right away and stands up for himself; but his voice is still not where it should be. And it is heart-breaking. I want to be nasty to the kids, asking if they can read, do Math,....; and "Why not?" that maybe THEY are the babies; but of course, I don't. The nasty thoughts that go through my head. I digress. I have a long conversation with my DS afterwards; but he still hurts inside.

My point is that maybe your DS is dealing with other things that
he is not telling you about. Hugs.

Mom to DS6