Originally Posted by Irisheyes
CourtneyB - this is a suggestion for your ds5, not for the younger child of the original poster.

If you're not opposed to a little potty talk, I would suggest getting the Captain Underpants series of chapter books. As you can imagine, there is quite a bit of bathroom humor, which I am normally against. However, a little boy we carpool with (also 5) really turned the corner on reading when he came into contact with these books. They are chapter books, but most chapters are short and they also have pictures. And there's something that seems to contraband about them, that some kids just eat them up. The author is Dav Pilkey.

I wouldn't suggest them to everyone, but since I saw your ds5 enjoyed Stink (something we also enjoy), he might really like these. Check one out the next time you're at the library and see what you think. I wouldn't be surprised if you left it somewhere in his room, if he picked it up to see what it was all about.

If it's not in your comfort zone, please disregard blush

I'll have to grab one tomorrow and see what he thinks. He's 'pretty' good about not saying things he shouldn't (even when he hears them at school) so I'm not too worried. I'm sure we'll have a few talks about it but maybe it will interest him, lol smile

Another book I need to grab is the 2nd Dinosaur Cove book as he seemed to really enjoy the 1st one and it had a decent amount of pictures.