Thanks for all the new book ideas smile DS5 won't read chapter books but I keep looking for that one that catches his interest enough to get him to read it.
We do stock up on higher lvl picture books as well as interesting non-fiction - preferably space, dinosaurs, and the human body (especially blood right now, lol).
He loves to listen to Young Cam Jansen, Bones (same author), Stink, Flat Stanley, Dinosaur Cove, Magic School Bus (chapter books), etc.
He'll only read books with pictures so I think to ease him into it we will have him read 1 chapter each day of a book and then talk about what he read.
We're reading the Happy Hollisters to both kids at bedtime and they do seem to enjoy it (I wanted a longer book to see if DD could sit through and follow 1 chapter a night).