I think I need a drink! I finished DD5's application today, and had it to the FedEx office by 3pm. All they have to do is get it 100 miles by 4pm on the 14th. (DH said we could have driven it there ourselves, seeing as we will be spending the next several days skiing very close to Reno)

After looking at the application for over 7 months, I am sure glad it is on its way. Of course I am still second guessing myself. Should we have done achievment testing? Did we include the right things in her Work Samples? Do they really care about comparing fractions worksheets done by a 3 year old? Are pictures of her whiteboard drawings and stories from when she was 4 really relevant? Should I have included the 1st grade spelling tests she got 100% on when she was 3.5?

You know the old saying, "You only get once to make a first impression", and I feel as if we (as parents of gifties) are constantly walking the fine line of wanting to be proud and yet not wanting to be braggarts.

It is so hard to make this first impression on our DD's behalf long distance and through a FedEx envelope. I guess it is all out of my hands, and we will just have to let that 3 lb envelope introduce our precious DD to DYS.

Fingers Crossed,