It may say that on page five, but the very first paragraph on their website homepage ends with the sentence:
"If you cannot access testing due to financial constraints, you may submit a portfolio of work samples in place of testing. "

ITA with Wyldkat.

We also submitted WISC 3 scores together with SAT scores (well above the cutoff CR as well as Q), but our WISC 3 was not acceptable (even with 2 19s, 2 18's and 1 17 in the verbal). They seem to be sticklers about wanting WISC 4 and not WISC 3. Our SAT was within the 2 year time limit, so if they had accepted the WISC 3 in place of WISC 4 that would have gotten ds accepted. My dh (who has taught college level statistics) wonders if they did not take ds because of rigid adherence to their "rule" (demanding only WISC 4, not earlier version), or if alternatively, they think a child who scores (at age 9 1/2) the verbal subtest scores above is likely to fall below their cutoff on the WISC 4. We were told to submit a portfolio (and given 6 months to do so). We have not decided whether or how to proceed.

It's a shame, I suspect none of these tests were really designed to tease apart these different populations, "profoundly" as opposed to "exceptionally" or even plain-old "highly" gifted. On some level I wonder if we are all wasting our time with such distinctions anyway. Once a child is above a point where he/she has trouble finding intellectual peers, isn't that enough, and who needs a label?