We never received an email, but I got a letter in the mail today. They told us he wasn't accepted and that we could reapply in six months. That was it. Didn't say why, didn't say anything about the portfolio, nothing. Due to our financial situation we submitted just a portfolio since they said that was an option for people who couldn't afford testing. I sent an email asking for some kind of information. I have no idea what else to submit if what we submitted wasn't good enough.

So we can't afford testing and the portfolio wasn't enough. Now what? I'm 99.9% certain he qualifies. We submitted a 1000 page novel he wrote for NaNoWriMo that a college English teacher said was better than many of the papers she got in her classes. Everything else was at least 2 grade levels above his age, most of it was 4+ levels above his age. We submitted work samples, like what he turns in for class, and a video of him with the other ISP kids almost all of whom are at least 5 years older than him and treat him as an equal. It also showed him playing chess and battleship with his dad and talking about some of his passions and showing off his Sudoku puzzles. It all sounds like what other people have submitted.

He's already had one grade skip and still isn't even close grade wise to where he is academically. He has no real peers (our main reason for submitting).

I'm just really confused and annoyed right now. I was expecting "we need more info" not a "no". I just don't understand how what we submitted is a no...

Any suggestions of what to do now?