Originally Posted by kimck
classicsmom (or anyone) - have you bought individual K12 courses or are you doing the whole package? I've thought about that for science in particular. We are using Plato, but for next year I would like to do something a bit more comprehensive and hands on.

We never dreamed we'd be homeschooling either. But really, it's been mostly great for all of us.

WE use the whole package via a public cyber charter school. Honestly, the science is good and there are many suggested experiments. What age is your child? Depending on their age I would look at My Pals Are Here Singapore Science if you were only interested in Science. I have only seen the K through 2nd grade K12 Sciecne. It is pretty good, but to be honest my son knows much more than the material presented so far. He likes it, but if I had to pay for a science course then I would look at Singapore Science IMHO or elsewhere such as a science spine and do outlining, summaries, and activities related to it. Now if you were using a higher level science, then you may want to look at K12 and ask them for a good sampling and the scope and sequence of the curricula.
