Oh, we have been in this situation...he was bored to tears in K and would wake up each morning in tears begging not to go to school...after testing and lots of thought we pulled him to homeschool...he asked to try school again for first grade this year and the teacher would give the class worksheets that consisted of color the dog brown to check to see if he knew his colors or circle the correct number of balls on a page...he was SO frustrated and bored that he had to come up with ways to keep himself busy and most of the ways were not acceptable to the teacher. The teacher's first response was to suggest we test him for ADD....our doctor, his psychologist and everyone who knows him well thought that was just absurd but for some reason it's the first thing that pops into a school's mind when they see a restless student....instead of trying to figure out if anything else is going on...it's like the quick easy fix for them. I would love to know how many kids are on medication who have no need whatsoever for them. Your know your child best :-)