This question isn't about a preschooler, but this was the closest I could find to a young toddler, so bear with me!

I have two DD's, DD4 and DD19mo. I know that my youngest DD will do things faster than her sister because DD19mo has someone to watch and model after. But lately I get the feeling that DD19mo has been saying 3- and 4-word sentences. A lot of the words are garbled, but we do understand what she's saying. And sometimes she has words for something that I cannot quite make out. Has anyone else felt this way? DD4 wouldn't speak many words until she could pronounce everything darn near perfectly, so this is unfamiliar territory for me.

As an example, I asked DD19mo if she was done eating and she said, "No, not yet." It wasn't super clear, but I could have swore that's what she said. Then I think maybe I'm just imagining it, so I've been asking DH his opinion and he agrees (and DH is naturally skeptical about everything). Of course since I'm trying to think of other examples, my mind is blank right now!

Has anyone else out there had the feeling that their young toddler is saying much more than she should be able to, but it's not super clear?