Originally Posted by HoosierMommy
I'm still in the GT-denial phase at times with DD4 (Can't all 4-year-olds read?).

This made me chuckle, because we felt the same way about our first son (now 6), who was reading aloud the numbers on speed limit signs when he was 15 mos, and chapter books when he was 4. He was an early communicator, signing at about 9 months and talking very clearly from about a year on. For a while we just thought that's how all kids are; then we were blown away when we started comparing him to the "normal" developmental milestones.

Our youngest son, now 22 mos, has showed the same early talking (but not decoding of letters/numbers yet). He has problems pronouncing some consonants (G, K and R), so sometimes others can't understand him (in fact sometimes even I have to get DS6 to translate smile ). But he was using 3-5 word phrases at about 17 mos and is talking in full-blown sentences now. It's been really fun to see his language blossom so rapidly. smile

Toddlers understand A LOT... way before they can say it, they can understand what you're saying to them. So if you have a bright one, I have no doubt your child is absorbing whole phrases and learning the appropriate places to use them. You're not imagining things!