DS9mo uses "bub" (usually with a schwa of some description on the end) to mean "yay," as well as boob. This started about the same time as "mama" started to mean me, rather than "I'm angry, fix it." wink

He's all over the map, linguistically. I heard what may have been a phrase recently, and he regularly has "breakthrough" words, which are clear, in context, and kinda cool. But at the same time, he's got a thread of totally standard development, including the slow evolution of "mama," "dada," "hi," and so on.

Actually, he seems generally to follow a pattern like that with everything. It's as if he's reading ahead or something, trying out things from the end od the chapter while consolidating the beginning.

hmmmm.... now I have a question... but that's [robably for anothr thread...

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!