Introverted? In my "Mathy" childs case yes. He has his "Wordy" moments in the comfort of his home but even then I wouldn't call them frequent.

I think the two abilities are quite connected in very gifted young children. I think the high verbal abilities of one of my children are the reason he has been able to advance so far in math. If you can read and comprehend at a high level, and noone will teach you what you want to know, then you have the ability to teach yourself.

I agree CFK. This is also the case with my son. He has essentially been teaching himself maths for a number of years and he also has very high verbal abilities (99.9%).

This is probably what makes early elementary so difficult for PG children. Not many adults are willing to accept that a 5, 6, 7 year old child has surpassed them in any way. This gets easier as the child reaches a more "respectable" age. Does that make sense? Has anyone else experienced that? There are of course always exceptions in both directions.

Having teachers state that he is far beyond what they can teach him has never been an issue with Maths throughout school. Only one of his elementary school English teachers certainly didn't take well to his abilities, mind you it probably didn't help that he always said English was his least favourite subject. Once in high school though the teachers had no issue with it. I think we have been been fortunate in nearly all cases to have teachers willing to accept his abilities, that want to teach him and are actually excited about the challenge. The more "respectable" age does indeed make sense and as it has increased, DS is now 16, it has reached the point in the past couple of years that teachers now come to him for advice and help.