Originally Posted by Dottie
I think that comes about in part because many of our reading "measures" are quick and dirty tests, that often don't even use a real comprehensive measure (thinking specifically of the AR test here, that merely tests vocabulary, with very little context).

Are you talking about the AR test (quiz) or AR STAR Reading test? My DS9 had GE score of 10.7 on the STAR Reading Test at the beginning of 4th grade, but he is only around 80% on Average % Correct on the AR quizzes.(His teacher said the goal is 85%.) He usually picks books with GL 4.0 to 5.5, but often gets only 60-70% correct.
I understand that STAR test mostly tests vocabulary. Do you think AR quizzes are good for measuring comprehension skills? It puzzles me that his WJ III Broad Reading is 142 with Passage Comprehension of 130 (GE 13.0), but he sometimes fails books with only 4.0 Grade level. Being a perfectionist, he has now developed "AR phobia" cry