Originally Posted by gratified3
I find asynchrony to be the hardest challenge because I don't want to turn a minor weakness into a major problem (take a kid with trouble keeping up with assignments, raise the stakes to expectations of years older kids and suddenly, the kid seems to have a MAJOR issue). At the same time, some kids are shy forever and they deserve to learn "despite" the shyness. Kids who are immature still need to learn while they are waiting for time to help with maturity. Kids who lose stuff still need some intellectual challenge while they wait for (and work for) some executive function. I find it a delicate balance to develop the weaknesses while still celebrating the strengths and allowing those to flourish.

Wow - really well said, and very wise G3!
Problem is this: What if the placement itself is causing the very problems that are making advancement look unattractive? We lived through that.

Also, DD melted over the challenge of music or times tables, which hints to me that the current school situation is contributing to the lack of 'learning how to learn' by not providing academic challenge on a regular basis.

Love and More Love,

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