Dear everyone who has shared your experience and offered advice, I really appreciate your time. I had so many sleepless nights because I don't know what to do. I am trying to educate myself by reading books and this forum. Hopefully, someday, I will be able to help and support others like you have done for me.

When DD was young (LOL, she is still young), having no one else to compare to, we just thought DD liked maps and puzzles -- she knew the 50 states with their capitals before turning three. We honestly did not think much about it. Slowly, we realized that she learns quickly. However, because she was so used to mastering things quickly, when she was taking piano lessons (and now multiplication), she got very frustrated when the music piece became more challenging (i.e. required her to practice). After a few months, we gave in and "took a break." We are rather concerned about her learning attitude (run away if it gets difficult).

Raddy, cricket3, and MsFriz: thank you for sharing.

Raddy: It's interesting that you mentioned it is almost impossible to find an educational environment that will be a good fit for our children. I spoke to my brother-in-law, who went to college at the age of 15. He said the same thing. smile

cricket3: Thank you for sharing your daughter's experience.
Since DD seems happy and her teachers love her (because she sits quietly, follows directions, and never causes troubles), we have kept her in kindergarten at this time. However, we wonder sometimes if there is a solution where she is happy and is learning too.

MsFriz: Are you related to Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus? smile It is one of my daughter's favorite series.

Grinity: thank you for your advice and support. Due to this whole emotional aspect of the situation, I have been reading books about this topic. We ordered Dr. Ruf's book last weekend. Hopefully it will get here soon. Also, after reading "A Nation Deceived" and Iowa Acceleration Scale Manual, we have decided to have DD tested in January 2010. I believe you mentioned a list of psychologists on Hoagies website, so we found someone from the list. Should we get both IQ and achievement tests, right?


Last edited by Mag; 12/15/09 07:53 PM. Reason: typo