Originally Posted by Mag
Our DD5 is academically advanced (reading and math), but emotionally age-appropriated and socially shy. She is a perfectionist and very sensitive in general. One day, her teacher told me that DD cried during a group spelling assessment because she could not spell certain words.
Many thanks!

I know that getting IQ tests are an issue at your house, but when you read the Ruf book, what level does she 'smack' of?

Your quote above reminds me of 2 possibilies:
1) The teachers feel that you should just 'let her be a kid' so any actual weakness she might show for a single minute they are going to be sure to 'share' with you to bolster their side of things.


2) She is showing perfectionistic behavior which is caused by them not allowing her to be placed at her readiness level.

2 things to keep in mind.

1) If she is ruf level 3 or higher, then keeping her with agemates can be very stressful. This stress causes her to need 'way above average' coping skill, so behavior such as crying in school has to be viewed, not as a sign that she is immature, but as a sign that even though she probably has better than average coping skills, her situation (bored to tears 6 hours a day, plus having internal 'OverExcitablities' that are felt to be 'part and parcel' of being gifted) is more than what she can handle.

2) Does keeping a child of that age in a situation where they are bored to tears 6 hours a day really 'letting her be a child?' To me, being a child means having lots of opportunity to interact with peers (not nescessarily age mates) and lots of opportunity to explore the world. It also means having someone, hopefully lots of someones, think about her well. Her, the person, not some group norm.

Go get the tests. Also read Ruf's book to get an idea of 'how unusual' she may be, and send me a private message where you live, and your estimate of her level and I'll do my best to help you find a nearby tester who can give you 'real' advice. Get the ball rolling - these things move so sloooooowly!

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com