Our DD5 is academically advanced (reading and math), but emotionally age-appropriated and socially shy. She is a perfectionist and very sensitive in general. One day, her teacher told me that DD cried during a group spelling assessment because she could not spell certain words.

A few days later, we asked the school counselor for achievement exam to find an appropriate level for DD. The school counselor stated that every child is challenged at his/her level in the school. (We do not agree with this statement as DD is doing higher level math than what is taught. For reading, more advanced readers are paired and read on their own most of the time.) Then, she concluded her email by questioning DD's emotional maturity (using the above as the example).

We understand that we need to help DD with her emotions. (Thanks to many posts here and books recommendations by this community.) But some kids might take longer in this area than others.

Does any one have children in this similar situation? What do you do? Is emotional issues a reason to hold back a child's academic challenges? Did you stay with the school system or do you home school? If home schooling, how is your child doing (academically, emotionally, and socially)?

(Due to the emotional aspect of issue and after reading the Iowa Acceleration Scale Manual, we are not sure whole grade acceleration is warranted at this time. This school district does not have "pull-out" math enrichment program until 3rd grade. It also does not offer single-subject acceleration.)

Many thanks!