Originally Posted by Grinity
Weirdly, my son in particular has a super developed sense of justice that gets him acting impatient and stubborn instead of acting emphatic. In elementary school, he'd get on his high horse, decide something was dangerous, (like allowing small children to play 'snake' with the computer's electric cord,) make a big fuss out of concern for safety, start yelling, and end up in the principal's office.

My son is the exact same way.

Breakaway4, Thanks you for the links! My sons are going to have a blast with them.

Kriston, my son wants to learn more about Saturn and Jupiter. I told him, we will go to library and get more books on the planets. He said, "Wait mom! I want to reread the books I have before we get more advanced books." He was very excited about more books, but he want to make sure he refreshed his memory before getting new books. FUNNY!