Whether you home school or not, make sure you address the social issues that seem to be popping up. If your son doesn't relate to kids his age, that may be because he just is "beyond" them, but it may also be because he has issues in this area. Keep an eye on it and help him work on it.

Given your post, my main concern is that he views the other kids at school as beneath him - that may be a self-protecting mechanism because it is hard for him to relate, and may resolve once he finds himself in a happier place for learning, but you don't want to let that go unaddressed if you can. Most gifted kids are highly compassionate and patient with others, but the ones I know who are arrogant (not saying yours is at all, I actually think he is just sad right now) are really and truly intolerable. It is really our job to help them engage with the world in a balanced way.
