Hi again, TMJ! I think you've come up with a good solution for now of trying out the preschool in the class they've offerred while also setting up an activity group of your own. What about trying to schedule it with the kids who are technically his age but will be in the older group at the preschool, so that he will have time to play with these kids more? Just because he's not in their actual preschool class doesn't mean he can't play with them after school. Also, I forget what your original post said, but can't you just send him to K after one year of preschool even if the preschool doesn't recommend it since he does make the cutoff? If the elementary school is skeptical at first, they will surely see soon enough that it is the right move for him.

Good luck getting your activity group started -- and with the T&A surguries next month!

She thought she could, so she did.