I see there's a lot of new threads to read, so I'll try and be brief wrapping this one up. We've decided that we'll accept the preschool offer as it is - if it's not a good fit for DS, we will pull him out. I'll still follow up with Psych to see if she has anything to add to the discussion, one way or the other.

The big decision that has really come from all of this is that I'm going to try and set up some sort of activity group. I figure once my children have their tonsils/adenoids out next month, we'll have less doctors to see and more free time to try and make this work. I'll put a notice up in town and take it from there. It's a little out of my comfort zone but we're already doing fun stuff here at home (we're making an erupting volcano at the moment) - there'd have to be at least a few kids in town that would find that interesting, you'd think. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Wish us luck and thanks for all the input.

PS. DH did ask the other fathers at his work about their children's schooling - Most didn't know anything about it and 3 men couldn't remember their kid's birthdate - month or year! Mother's at the grocery store are no doubt a more reliable source of info on this topic smile