Polly - You've given me a lot to think about, actually, and I love the way you worded the dialogue for the meeting. I asked back when we registered for the preschool if DS and I would be able to sit in for a little while. The Director looked at me as if I'd suddenly grown two heads. She basically said they have an orientation session on the first day, and that's all everybody gets (the apparent bonus of being the only preschool for 4 hours in every direction). I also attended a Kindergarten info session for the private school. As soon as I said that I was not enquiring for K next year but the following year, the Principal asked me why I felt I needed to attend 'so early'. I politely said that we were simply investigating our options and he walked off! Consequently, I felt alienated enough by this stage not to follow up with the public school info session. I might send DH off to both schools to ask the pertinent questions you highlighted, as it has just occurred to me that this may be about K class sizes. Based on my calculations, if all children doing 2nd stage preschool attend one or the other school for K - the K classes are then full (as per their publicized quota). Interesting thought.

Wyldkat- DS has another appointment with the Psych next week so it will definitely be raised then. I'm very interested to know what she thinks of it all.