I realize the terms to describe them are necessary. But I really try to refrain from saying intense, emotional, dramatic, but unfortunately those are the exact words needed to explain to the general population. wink

I wish there were new words to reframe it from their perspective. Their feelings are intense, they feel more deeply, they react, and so in comparing to the normal population, it is more intense/emotional/dramatic.

But from where they are, it is "normal" - a new normal range. In fact, perhaps from where they are standing, we (or the general population) don't feel enough, are less passionate, less intense and not dramatic sufficiently. Heheh

A matter of perspective I suppose.

We really can't tell our children "be less intense, be less dramatic, don't feel this/that" because they can't. It is part of them. I mean, these exact intensities is what makes them really good at lots of other things.

I'm trying to figure out a way to let child be and feel. But how to manage those "intensities"? I don't know. Appreciate suggestions! smile