Originally Posted by Polly
I have a profoundly gifted brother who was a very easy baby (the kind that does sit on a blanket at the park playing with a little pile of toys and smiling beatifically, for hours on end) and he never changed. He went from that to calmly self-entertaining by building large block structures, reading, etc, and then to easy-going humor-filled and happy adult. Just a very placid person. So it is possible but comes with its own set of challenges (getting them to do anything).

Heh. That sounds like me. I have to tell my friends when I'm freaking out, and even then, they don't believe me. smile It was a big problem for me in school--and probably the reason my older sister was always recognized as "the smart one" who got special accommodations in school.

DD is calm, for a three year old. She's not running around like a crazy person, most of the time. I would definitely not call her hyper. But yes, she is very intense, and very emotional, and very demanding. I am actually glad that she doesn't have my personality. I didn't learn to stand up for myself at all until I was several years into adulthood--and boy, it's a skill she's already adept at. wink