I think my adult daughter would see this as sacrifice more than I do. My pretty, very social and very fashion conscious daughter would have a really hard time adjusting to not buying new clothes and wearing "mom jeans" that she told me I wear. She didn't realize that I needed to spend every penny on homeschool materials and other things for my twice exceptional son. At least all the other homeschool moms in my area dress like I do and don't spend money having their hair done so I am not alone.

I don't see any of this as a sacrifice because I feel lucky to have my son. I was an older mom when I became pregnant with him. I had always wanted another child but I had been married for six years before I finally got pregnant. During the birthing process, my son's heart stopped beating and it was very scary. I thought we would lose him and I knew at that moment I would do anything, give up anything for this child if he would just live. He was delivered with forceps but there was a delay getting him out. We were told by the neuropsychologist that this could be the reason for his hypotonia and motor dyspraxia.

My husband and I only buy a few very inexpensive gifts for each other at Christmas so that our son can have what he needs. Instead of buying a new house and having new furniture and new cars like everyone else in the family with their two incomes and the choice to send their kids to public school, we live in an older home that will be paid off in two years and we hope to be able to leave it to our son.

Because our son is twice exceptional and our state does not require an appropriate education for twice exceptional children, we have to homeschool. There are no private schools near us and if there were, we could not afford it.
We live in a small town with intermittent high speed internet. Without dependable internet service, online classes would be difficult. We have no other choice but to homeschool.